卸妝 Removing Makeup

卸下焦躁 Remove anxiety
卸下不安 Remove misgiving
卸下恐慌 Remove panic
可否還原純真笑容 Can you restore your pure smile?
卸下奢望 Remove luxury
卸下虛假 Remove untruth
卸下陰沉 Remove an intrigue
卸下驕妄 Remove arrogance
可否還原清澈眼神 Can you restore your clear eyes?
卸下忿怒 Remove anger
卸下仇恨 Remove hatred
卸下貪慾 Remove greed
卸下悲慟 Remove sorrow
可否還原變形的五官 Can you restore from a deformed face?
忘掉責難 Forget censure
忘掉威嚇 Forget threats
忘掉失落 Forget loss
可否抹去皺紋 Can you wipe out your wrinkles?
每天我們在鏡前深深的凝視 Everyday we gaze at ourselves in a mirror
才發覺每一天 Finally we find
我們竟上了這麼多的妝 so much makeup we wear every day
我們一遍又一遍的洗著 We wash over and over
可曾卸下一些 Do you wipe out some makeup?
可曾還原我年艾的面頰 Do you restore your young and pretty face?

我們年青不用上妝 他/她們大多是2007-8 Class的 Little boy & girl Blue, 現正接受海峽風浪的洗禮, 希望他們不要老的太快, 永懷夢想與勇氣 祝福 他們

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